Barna neighbourhood map

Places of interest and public transport information for Barna, a village / suburb on the outskirts of Galway City.


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Map Key


1 Barna Lough - Rusheen City Park
2 Barna Woods - carpark and main entrance
3 Handball alley
4 Mary, Immaculate Queen Roman Catholic church
5 Tobar Éinde / Tobar Eanna
6 Silverstrand Beach / Hunters Strand
7 Scoil Shéamais Naofa Bearna / Barna National School
8 Post office   (Previously Clarke's shop)
9 Pier
10 Barna Cemetery / Reilig Bearna
11 An Coirnéal shopping centre:   Retro Hairdressers, Coll and Co Accountants, Bubbles and Barks, Barna Vet Clinic 
12 The Twelve Hotel
13 Supermarket:   Clarke's SuperValu
14 Bearna / Furbo Playground and Barna Co-op Tennis Courts.
15 Fr Michael Griffin memorial
16 Sports field and Pitch'n'Putt (Barna Co-op).
17 Barna Golf Club / Bearna Golf Club

Public Transport Information:

City Direct's route 414 runs a few times each day between Eyre Square and Barna village. This is mainly targeted at commuters.

Bus Éireann's route 424 (Spiddal, Carraroe and Lettermullen) and 410 (Carna) buses call to the bus stop in the village, and also stop at other city bus stops along their route - note this does not include the Cappagh and Ballymonneen Rd stops shown on the map.

City Direct's route 411 goes up Cappagh Rd: the bus stop at the Cappagh/Barna rd instersection is approx 20 - 30 minutes walk from the places in this map.

Bus Éireann's route 402 - Seacrest buses go along Ballymoneen Rd: the bus stop at the Ballymoneen/Barna rd intersection is approx 25 - 40 minutes walk from the places in this map.

As you walk from Ballymoneen or Cappagh Roads toward Barna village:
  • Rusheen Bay is on the left: there are various entrances marked for the riding school, the picnic area etc.
  • Barna woods is a park area on the right hand side of the road, a little after the petrol station on the left.
  • After the woods, the next turn-off to the left leads down to Silverstrand beach. It's a narrow road with no footpath: walk on the right hand side of the road so that drivers can see you.
  • Tobar Eanna is in a small clearing on the left side of the road down the beach: the entrance is in the middle of a hedge and is not marked.

See also

City Bus Details
Regional bus details

Knocknacarra neighbourhood map - for the area to the east.

Picture of Tobar Enna, a historic place near Silverstrand / Barna
Tobar Éinde / Tobar Eanna