Doughiska (Deochuisce) / Briar Hill neighbourhood map

Facilities in the Briar Hill / Doughiska (Deochuisce) area of Galway City, and detailed directions for getting there using public transport. 


Click on the map to zoom in for greater details.
See Doughiska / Briarhill area map in a larger map

Map Key

No Place
1 Briarhill Shopping Centre  
Tenants include Dunnes Stores, XL Newsagents, Laya Health and Wellness walk-in doctors clinic, O'Heihrs Bakery  Grind coffee and food hub, The Han giftshop 
2 Cúirt Na Rásaí and Tir Na gCapall (ATU - ex-GMIT student accommodation complex)
3 Clayton Hotel
4 Merlin Industrial Park / Merlin Business Park / Merlin Woods Commercial Park
- see numbers 10, 11, 12 and 16 for tenants in this business park.
5 Briar Hill Business Park
6 Doughiska Park / Merlin Woods Play Area / Doughiska Playground
(AKA Deochuisce Playground, Doughiska Lands, Merlin Woods City Park)
The Cumasú Centre.   Tenants include:
(Previously The Racing Lodge Hotel and then Amber House Hotel )

8 ARD Pre-school
Previously the temporary site for Merlin Woods Primary School
9 Doughiska Neighbourhood Centre.
Tenants include Tesco Express supermarket (previoiusly Nestors Centra, then Joyces), Merlin Woods Pharmacy, Jack Jordan's Fish and Chips, Chans, Galway East GPs
10 to be advised
11 National Car Test (NCT) centre and Vehicle Registration Office
12 Galway City East Primary Care Centre - previously Doughiska Doctors (now closed)
(health centre, medical centre, doctors surgery)
13 Lidl supermarket
14 Merlin College | Coláiste Mhuirlinne (sometimes called Doughiska Community College)
15 Merlin Woods Primary School
16 To be Mr Price Doughiska.   
Previously Iceland discount supermarket and before that Lidl 
17 Merlin Wood Community Garden and allotments
18 Doughiska Industrial Estate / Doughiska Road Industrial Estate
Tenants include The Captain's Cafe, Spice Bazaar, Copa Cabana tanning studio, Hair Point hairdressers, Cafe7.   

Public Transport Information


Catch the 401 - Parkmore bus.  This travels from Eyre Square via Wellpark and Monivea Rd.
Get off the bus at the Clayton Hotel for places on this map.

Cúirt Na Rásaí and Tir Na gCapall are beside the Clayton Hotel.  When you get off the bus, turn left and walk up Monivea Rd:  Cúirt Na Rásaí is the first set of red brick buildings on the right, and Tir Na gCapall is the second set.

Many of the other places on this page are within walking distance:  cross the road, go around the corner into Doughiska Rd, and reverse the directions below.


Catch the 409 - Parkmore bus (bus details).
This leaves from Eyre Square and travels past Renmore, ATU/GMIT, and Roscam 

After the bus passes Merlin Park Hospital /Woods (very large green area on the left), and the Oranmore turn-off (to the right), it makes a right-hand turn at the bottom of Doughiska Rd.

Cumasú Centre is the first non-residential complex on the left hand-side, and there is a bus-stop outside (This is approx the third bus-stop on the road, but you may need to ask the driver, as it's hard to see in advance)

Doughiska Park / Merlin Woods Play Area is a little further up the road, also on the left: there is a bus-stop just after it.  Merlin Woods Primary School is at the north end of the park.

Doughiska Neighbourhood Centre is the shopping complex with the Centra in it, while Merlin Industrial Park is the side road on the left side (between the school and the Centra).

Briarhill Shopping Centre is immediately across the road from the Clayton Hotel, get off the bus at the top of Doughiksa Rd, and the main entrance is around the corner.

For Briar Hill Business Park get off the bus at the stop after BriarHill shopping centre:  this is around several corners, and immediately after a roundabout.

See Also

City Bus Details - for route maps and timetables

City Bus Summary Map - for quick-links to the bus routes serving this area

Neighbouring areas:
Parkmore    Roscam    Ballybrit

Picture of Cumasu centre Doughiska Galway - former hotel building converted into a church and community centre.  Two story building, floor to ceiling windows, round wooden conservatory.  Celtic cross on a cloudy background, rimmed by sunlight