County Galway neighbourhood maps

This summary map has links to the the neighbourhood public transport maps for towns and villages in County Galway.


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Map key


Area name - neighbourhood map link:
1 Clifden
2 Carraroe
3 Spiddal
4 Oughterard
5 Furbo
6 Moycullen
7 Galway city suburbs and estates
8 Inner city areas
9 to be advised
10 to be advised
11 Claregalway
12 Oranmore
13 Clarenbridge
16 Loughrea
17 Athenry
18 Monivea
19 Kilcolgan
20 Kinvara
21 Gort

See also:

Regional buses - for route maps and timetable links

Other summary maps:

Inner city areas -- Galway suburbs and estates